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Secure What Matters with the Orion 5G Security Suite

February 3, 2020

How will your network perform when it matters most? 5G mobile networks requires greater speed, security and resilience to support life-critical services and mission critical business applications. A10 Networks Orion 5G Security Suite provides high performance, infrastructure protection and agility to help mobile networks secure what matters, when it matters and where it matters. Watch this short video to learn more.



How will your network perform when it matters most?

When millions of DDOS weapons are targeting your customers and your network.

When the messages that could have waited before. Now, must be delivered in milliseconds.

When the videos that were just for fun, now guide life-saving decisions, will your network know when critical public infrastructure is being attacked and keep its network running when everything else doesn’t.

When factories that were once state-of-the-art, now must become smarter with ultra high levels of efficiency and resilience, with 5G speed and security matter.

Your 5G network keeps the digital economy, moving fast and secure.

The network must be protected against anything that could slow it down or bring it down.

And when it has to, the network must make important decisions on which traffic is legitimate and critical and which isn’t. Don’t let your network bring you to the edge.

A10 networks keeps your 5G traffic moving fast and your network, secure from the core to the edge.

Our Orion 5G Security Suite protects the entire 5G network and the critical applications, all with intelligent automation. So the network keeps ready, no matter what. Because with 5G speed and security matter.

Secure what matters with A10 Networks.

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