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SSL Visibility for the Healthcare Industry

August 11, 2021 – 45 minutes

With the rise in modern cyberattacks, and the threat of damaging data breaches always looming on the horizon, healthcare providers always need to be prepared to defend themselves against whatever may come their way. That is why SSL visibility into encrypted traffic is so critical.

SSL Visibility for the Healthcare Industry

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In this webinar you will learn about:

Modern cyberattacks that healthcare industry providers face

Modern cyberattacks that healthcare industry providers face

How encryption helps attackers gain access to sensitive data

How encryption helps attackers gain access to sensitive data

Protecting your data with SSL visibility, centralized decryption multi-layered security and compliance

Protecting your data with SSL visibility, centralized decryption multi-layered security and compliance


SSL Visibility for the Healthcare Industry

The healthcare industry is trusted to hold some of the most sensitive and important personal information about individuals seeking care. Unfortunately, this makes it one of the biggest targets for cyber criminals. That is why visibility into encrypted traffic is so critical.

Babur Khan
Babur Khan
Technical Marketing Engineer
A10 Networks
Douglas McKillip
Doug McKillip
Solutions Architect
A10 Networks