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Why Half of Companies Are Raising Their DDoS Defense Budgets

DDoS attacks are only becoming more destructive, and companies know it: That’s why one-half (49 percent) of the 200+ respondents in the 2018 IDG DDoS Report anticipate their organizations’ DDoS defense budgets to increase.

But why are so many companies willing to invest precious resources on DDoS defense? Let me explain.

Just How Much Are Companies Spending on DDoS Defense?

As mentioned above, 49 percent of companies are planning to increase their DDoS defense spending.

That doesn’t mean, however, that the rest are all planning to decrease their budget. On the contrary, 41 percent say their DDoS defense budget will remain unchanged, with only eight percent saying it will decrease.

Address multi vector DDoS threats

Of the 49 percent who plan on increasing their DDoS defense budget, each expects their budget to grow by an average of 24 percent.

This spike in DDoS defense spending isn’t isolated, either: According to a forecast from Gartner, “End-user spending for the information security and risk management market is estimated to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 8.6 percent from 2018 through 2023 to reach $185.2 billion in constant currency.”*

(*Source, Gartner, Inc., “Forecast: Information Security and Risk Management, Worldwide, 2017-2023, 1Q19 Update,” Rustam Malik et al, 17 April 2019.)

While that may seem like a great deal of money to be spending on information security at large, it pales in comparison to the amount of money cybercrime costs companies.

According to predictions from Cybersecurity Ventures, cybercrime damages will reach a staggering $6 trillion by 2021. That’s equivalent to $2 trillion per year for the next three years.

With that in mind, a 24 percent increase in companies’ DDoS defense budgets seems like a small price to pay.

Why Are Companies Spending More on DDoS Protection?

Of course, companies aren’t bolstering their DDoS defense budgets just for the fun of it: DDoS attacks are still becoming larger and more frequent than ever before, and they can be devastating to companies’ profits and productivity.

Just how much are DDoS attacks growing? The IDG DDoS Report discovered that 49 percent of survey respondents reported DDoS attacks of more than 50 Gbps in 2018, while only 10 percent did so in 2015.

Average ddos attacks 50 bgps

DDoS attacks are no longer limited to giant corporations and institutions, either: Companies both small and large are being targeted, with eighty-six percent of survey respondents saying they’ve experienced at least one DDoS attack in the past 12 months.

number of ddos attacks past 12 months

Knowing this, it makes sense that a growing number of companies are dedicating a larger portion of resources to DDoS protection, whether that means hiring additional employees or purchasing comprehensive DDoS protection solutions.

Although this is certainly a step in the right direction, one question remains: With attackers developing new and more calamitous strategies every day, will it be enough?

To learn more about the current state of DDoS, learn which types of attacks are most common and discover how other companies are defending themselves from today’s threats, read the full IDG DDoS Report for free.

Learn more about A10’s DDoS detection and mitigation products.