A10 Defend DDoS Mitigator
Elevate Availability with Scalable, Intelligent, Multi-terabit DDoS Mitigation
Key Benefits of A10 Defend DDoS Mitigator
The solution minimizes downtime with multi-vector DDoS mitigation, leveraging FPGA-based acceleration and various clustering techniques to provide protection at scale. Auto policy escalation, intelligent zero-day mitigation, and streamlined SecOps elevates efficacy while lowering TCO.
Key Features
Flexible Deployment Options
Can be deployed as proactive always-on or reactive on-demand. Supports L2/L3 deployments and IPv4/IPv6, making it ideal for a variety of use cases and critical services such as gaming, DNS, and voice.
Automated and Intelligent Mitigation
Baselining with over 27 traffic indicators, anomalous behavior recognition, heuristics, and AI-powered mitigation allow for effective zero-day defense. Auto-policy escalation further streamlines the mitigation process.
Multi-Vector DDoS Protection
AI-powered multi-vector mitigation combined with hardware acceleration and advanced processing techniques enable surgical protection against various protocol-based, volumetric, application-layer, and IoT attacks.
Hybrid DDoS Protection
On-premises dedicated DDoS eqiupment, combined with optional cloud-scrubbing, provides a flexible, affordable, and effective hybrid DDoS defense.
High-performance and Scalability
Customize policies and groupings provide granular control; gain deep insights with analytics across all protected applications.
Advanced DDoS Intelligence
Blocklist of up to 96 million IPs can be filled with ThreatStop intel lists and A10 Defend Threat Control, a proprietary DDoS intelligence service.
Non-stop DNS and Application Defense
High-performance DNS caching with up to 240M records and 35M queries/sec enhances DNS infrastructure. Advanced rate limiting, behavioral analysis, and other DPI methods strengthen application-layer defense.
Ease of Integration and Management
Seamless integration with third-party detection tools and security systems via BGP and RESTful API, with centralized management and orchestration available through A10 Defend DDoS Orchestrator.
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A10 Defend DDoS Detector
Precise, Highly Scalable Network-wide Anomaly Detection
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